Saturday, December 18, 2004


We are bound by our history
The voices of my forefathers ring loud in my soul
Men of impact
They shape my world , though they have been gone most my life
As much as I am me, I am molded by them
Their achivements, their failings surround me
Your voice is heard in mine
Is your spirit guiding mine
I bear your physicality
Can I change my world as you did yours
Your children have raised me
Will I raise mine in their light
Your names echo on
How will mine be remembered

Can you see us
The seed of your seed
Each a part of you
Different, our strengths, our weakenesses, our affections
but same source, all from you

I never met you
but what you were stays with me
I hardly knew you
but when my name is spoken it is yours they hear

We are begining life on our own paths
Our journey's end is unknown
Do you know where we are headed
Have you travelled this road before

We walk on in life
Another generation borne from you

Sun re o

Monday, December 13, 2004

It all starts with Hello

Hello, I've seen you on this journey before
I believe we have the same stop

Oh hi there, nice day for sitting outside
Mind if I join you

Hey there got your message about the concert
Meet you there at six?

Hi, last night was fun What are you doing Thursday ?
I know this great Italian

Hey baby, just checked in, flight was a killer
Missing you already

Hello Darling, guess what, I got the beach house for the weekend
Get packed I'll pick you up at 8

Hey, you do know how wonderful you are to me
I need to ask you something

Hello there Mrs...

There she is again
Hmm maybe next time I'll say hello

Home coming

Well Its official am back!!!! Lagos baby!!!!
Ok enough excitement, back to reality
No electricity for a bit(well like 6 hrs) thank GOd for gens
Back on dial up (men it makes surfing less attractive)
This could be a really interesting holiday even without the hoopla of the wedding
shame some of the boys cant make it (you know who you are!)
and as for virgin airlines hmm next time am taking BA baby

The smell
The sound
The traffic
The people
All tell me am home

Now gotta figure out how to spend the next few weeks

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Random musings

Ok just been inspired to put some words to 'paper' (must be the music I listen to)

They do not see him
All day they walk right by him
All day they look through him
He is in front of them
They do not see him


He sees them
He walks by them
He looks right at them
They are in front of him
He does not reach out to them

Unseen, unheard, unfelt

I see him
I walk with him
I look through at him
I see him
I hear him
I feel him, he is with me
I know him, he is

I crawl through the darkness
The way is rough and hard

I do not know where it leads
The future unclear and scary

My heart falters
I fear I do not have the strength

My demons creep in
They tell me I will fail

You whisper to me
Tell me all is well

You strengthen me
With you I can go on

You lead me by the hand
I care not where the road will go

You walk with me
I know I will overcome

All because in you I believe

Lady Love
Lay lady lay with me
Stay the course of this tempestuous night
succor me in your bosom,
let me be overwhelmed by your fragrance
Kiss away my tears
let me no longer feel the pain
Whisper to me words of our future
let my soul be soothed by your voice

Lay lady lay with me
The outside world means nothing
my life hangs on your every breath
I look into your eyes
I see our children smile
I kiss upon your lips
I know that I can never leave

Lay Lady lay with me
For this night will end too soon

Saturday, December 04, 2004

me myself and i Posted by Hello

Friday, December 03, 2004

OK been a while

Hmm Remember a while back (7months ago) i set up this blog
well nows is as good a time for a second blog dont you think
So whats happened in 7months
In order
Went to Paris for the MBAT (excellent)

Notre Dame

Go Capitan Posted by Hello

Go girls!! Posted by Hello

MBS team huddle Posted by Hello

Face off
Got that internship with BT (whew)

Did the internship (hard)

Back @ school
now job hunting
oh and inbetween got privy to a lotta info by my pals - goes to show u can never know people 100% there is always something hidden no matter how close u are hmm
A few parties - well a bit more than a few

latin night Posted by Hello

tunde @ p's bbq Posted by Hello

oh yes its Friday and am home blogging may go out - not too sure if i wanna fly solo though

nah looks like am in for the night , wow now i am out one night a week i must be getting old

end blog