Sunday, December 05, 2004

Random musings

Ok just been inspired to put some words to 'paper' (must be the music I listen to)

They do not see him
All day they walk right by him
All day they look through him
He is in front of them
They do not see him


He sees them
He walks by them
He looks right at them
They are in front of him
He does not reach out to them

Unseen, unheard, unfelt

I see him
I walk with him
I look through at him
I see him
I hear him
I feel him, he is with me
I know him, he is

I crawl through the darkness
The way is rough and hard

I do not know where it leads
The future unclear and scary

My heart falters
I fear I do not have the strength

My demons creep in
They tell me I will fail

You whisper to me
Tell me all is well

You strengthen me
With you I can go on

You lead me by the hand
I care not where the road will go

You walk with me
I know I will overcome

All because in you I believe

Lady Love
Lay lady lay with me
Stay the course of this tempestuous night
succor me in your bosom,
let me be overwhelmed by your fragrance
Kiss away my tears
let me no longer feel the pain
Whisper to me words of our future
let my soul be soothed by your voice

Lay lady lay with me
The outside world means nothing
my life hangs on your every breath
I look into your eyes
I see our children smile
I kiss upon your lips
I know that I can never leave

Lay Lady lay with me
For this night will end too soon


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