Saturday, December 18, 2004


We are bound by our history
The voices of my forefathers ring loud in my soul
Men of impact
They shape my world , though they have been gone most my life
As much as I am me, I am molded by them
Their achivements, their failings surround me
Your voice is heard in mine
Is your spirit guiding mine
I bear your physicality
Can I change my world as you did yours
Your children have raised me
Will I raise mine in their light
Your names echo on
How will mine be remembered

Can you see us
The seed of your seed
Each a part of you
Different, our strengths, our weakenesses, our affections
but same source, all from you

I never met you
but what you were stays with me
I hardly knew you
but when my name is spoken it is yours they hear

We are begining life on our own paths
Our journey's end is unknown
Do you know where we are headed
Have you travelled this road before

We walk on in life
Another generation borne from you

Sun re o


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