Change, beauty and a whole lotta other stuff
Change, I feel like I have been preparing for it for a while but now that it is becoming less of a concept and more of a reality I begin to wonder just how ready /accepting of change I really am.
In a couple of weeks it could all be so different from now. My location, my lifestyle everything. This is worse than the any other time I've had to impact major change (uni, job). Those times it was all set way before anything had to happen I knew where I had to be I had a good idea of what I'd be doing in the end. Now its still all in the air, I have no clue where I'll end up, whether I'll be doing what it is I think am gonna be doing or whether some completely random factor is gonna enter into the mix. This more than anything else I guess is what gets to me the uncertainty of it all. Now before you go jumping ahead of me, no I dont expect everything to be predictable and yes I do appreciate having elements of uncertainty and randomness in my life(what else adds color to life but this). However -maybe its the engineer in me- I do like having a plan, a plan which still accounts for random events but is still a guiding set of actions. Right now I dont have one, I feel things are a bit haphazard with too much of it being outside my control (at which point does this become my longest blog ever?) Maybe this is a vital part of getting older, change, I guess this what the wizened and battle weary mean when they say life happens. One day you are on a set path with known goals and an outcome in sight then Change happens and your path has been altered the road increasingly looks less familiar.
I can understand creatures of habit after all we all are to some extent, I guess I am one , no I know I am one or was one. I had the saturday tv routine (friday tv routine back in uni), the thrice weekly gym routine, the weekend/odd weekday cinema routine. Well gyms out the picture, cinema lol that's more of an everyday thing (jobless I know but I gotta max out my student discount. Now I know that in the coming weeks whatever routines I have built up are gonna be altered but I do not know how. My weekday lunches @ Olive or Ikan will soon be no more :-(. my walks into town for no other reason than to people watch soon gone. My basken robbins indulgence I fear will also have to be curtailed @ least until I find another supply :-). What can I say , I do not Know whats gonna happen next but its very likely in a month's time it will all be different.
In these times it's so easy to be consumed by the bleakness of the world . It seems daily we are bombarded with tales of needless death, suffering and hate. An alien spying in on the last couple of weeks would definitely have thought damn those earthlings are a miserable bunch. All in all the sad thing is life can and does get very Ugly. It's so easy to focus in on all the bad that happens you forget also that life can be incredibly beautiful. So easy to forget the joy you get from cracking a silly joke with a sibling. The beauty of unconditional love. The beauty of the sunset and the sunrise. There are a host of things I find beautiful ranging from a well crafted verse to sound of a child's laughter. I may be getting soppy in my old age but I will endeavor to find something beautiful in each day
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(perhaps I should reread the blog for an answer to that one)
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