Friday, September 30, 2005


Tis a wonderful thing to be a kid

to live in a world of innocence and adventure

joy is found in the little things

on the most part the people you meet have your well being in mind

all the monsters are imaginary (well mostly)
I envy kids

God of Bling

Documentary today on Hip hop and the church
All seemed Pretty standard stuff till it got to the part about the Church preaching prosperity and the rise of such ministries in america post 9/11
This struck a chord with me,"Religion is the opium of the masses", in times of turmoil and strife God becomes popular. Amongst the underprivileged , downtrodden, hopeless it gives them hope, promises freedom and peace (what else is heaven) and most recently prosperity. A natural marriage with the bling bling short termism that hip hop is so readily associated with now? If we look at it from the point of view of the "new wave prosperity" churches springing up now ,it seems they both have the same message; listen to my words, live as I say and you too shall be prosperous like me. You too can have the huge house, ride the Bentley and eat with gold plated cutlery- hell and thats just the preachers!. I cant help but feel there is a nasty undercurrent in this expression of religion. The promise of wealth and prosperity while a great hook, cannot be the true selling point of Faith. Become a christian and get your bills paid, find your path to prosperity. And if you dont does that mean you are a bad christian , God dont love you if you still driving a beat up honda, if you still live in the hood you aint righteous, if you work as a street cleaner has Christ forsaken you?
Perhaps I miss the point, maybe its all about getting them into the church to hear the word. After all its just good marketing right? In times of hardship sell em prosperity, in times of oppression sell them freedom (promise them a messiah if need be), when the people see no future in life promise them an afterlife (with 7 virgins if need be). Who am I to say that God isnt with the ministers living in the 20 room mansions.Who says God doesnt dwell with the preachers who adorn their living rooms with gold lions and drive Bentleys. After all how can you convince a poor man to come to God if you yourself are in rags. Maybe the bling is necessary for them to believe in God and the difference he can make? What do I know about evangelism and preaching? All I have to go on is the belief that Christ came as the son of a carpenter

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Music,Beats, Chords ... Life

Music, ok i love music, fine you say am an african music is in our make up
singing and dancing are part of every activity, from celebrated to banal
No this is different, I love music and it dont matter what kind (apart from country, well most of it), Nothing else can take you on such a journey, take you to the past, qualify the present, glimpse the future. I hear songs from waaay back and i am back there
in the car rolling with my boys
at that party plucking up the courage to ask her to dance
shedding those tears

I listen to all sorts
I know every third person would probably claim eclectic tastes but mine is by no means standard
Metal/metallica nothing else revs up the blood quite the same way, sometimes u just gotta feed the anger
Hip hop hell i still remember raps from '92, cant remember much else :-)
Good ole soul marvin, d'angelo, babyface i thank you for being the start and expression of a number of my relationships
Pop - well not all pop is bad we all danced to billie jean, and what else you gonna dance to during weddings
rock - ok now many may slate nickelback but cmon you gotta admit a lil head nodding to u remind me
"world music" ...african, arabic, french cheapest form of travel i know
Country ... dude its a public site , even i wont admit to that
Music my motivator, consoler, lover, friend
ps special mention must go to the stereophonics i am loving their stuff on Language Sex Violence Other? just might buy the album
oh and NERD for genre bending sonic mashes

So think about what music/artists are on your lists

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Weekend in Germany

Just a lil visual memento

It was my first time in a bunk bed in aaaaages, I had the bottom bunk in case u asking. Easy to get into after a night of partying

Even amongst rocks

Hans & Daniella

MBS +1

Kids and water

So why did the chickens cross the road

Freiburg @night

Remember what i said about meat

Monday, September 19, 2005


Was in Freiburg a couple of weeks ago for a friend's wedding
Had me thinking about the differences in the quality of life
As a confirmed City slicker I had never spent much time in the country
(Trips to villa dont count). Even in my 9 year stay here I have mever done anything remotely connected to rustic lifestyles - bar my one night in Kielder(thats another story)
Whereas everyone I met in Freiburg seemed to live a combination of city life and good ole country living. I suppose it helps having the black forest on your doorstep

So when in Rome; ok I admit my trips to through the woods was hardly extensive but it did give me a good picture on the differences. Watching families old and young on their trips through the woods, watching the kids play with the dogs. It all told of a far different lifestyle from both England and Nigeria. England well because of the widespread focus on activity, oh and the food(Germany is great for meats). Nigeria for the inclusion of nature. It saddens me that back home there is so much to see that I havent. Bar olumo rock and a couple of trips to the outskirts of Abuja I havent done much. Generally we dont do much like that back home (or is that a false perception)No trips to see our great rivers, climb our hills, journey through our forests. We have all this to do but we dont

The Routine

I have developed a routine
My life revolves round job apps
Wake up 11am: field any incoming recruiter phonecalls
11:30-12:30 : Check inbox for new rejections or new opportunities, follow up stuff
12:30 - 14:30: Watch Nikki and other stuff on daytime tv
14:30-16:00: Law & Order
16:00 - 19:00: Trawl through the internet for new apps
19:00 -2100:Apply for anything interesting
21:00 - 23:00: Amuse myself ith nighttime TV

23:00- ??:00: Random MSN Chats, Check for new jobs
11am: Start the cycle over again