Saturday, August 06, 2005

God of War

He feasts on the blood of innocents
The merciless shedding of lives
The blameless are his sacrificial lambs
The zealous are his prophets

Palestine,Iraq, London, Madrid, New York
These are his temples, built on human bones
Soldiers, Insurgents, Bombers
These are his followers
His high priests preach hate and death
By their fruits you shall know them
Their fruit is death
Not the death of soldiers in battle
Not the death of those who willfully sacrifice them selves for a cause
Their fruit is death of the innocents
Death of Iraqis,Palestinians, Israelis, Americans, British, Indonesians, Pakistanis, Nigerians

The God of War
His followers amass daily
They congregate in dark corners
They prey on the minds of the weak, misguided, hate filled
His high priests; Neo cons, Imams, Politicians
Their doctrines, policies, speeches
Spread this War of Hate
This festival of bloodshed continues

Everday they continue, their supplications to him
By their actions they sing his praises, whilst calling upon the name of God, Allah, YAHWEH
The War continues
The God of War is increasingly glorified


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