So we come to yet another Thursday
Echoes of London still remain
Its there in their eyes
The fear & suspicion
The hate, all because of the difference in skin
This is what the bombers have created
This is the fallout from this war
The war on terror
The clash of civilisations
Tel Aviv, New York,Gaza,Baghdad, Madrid,Kabul, Nairobi,Basra... London
These are the battle fields
And the foot soldiers... American, British, Saudi Pakistani, Indonesian,Eritrean, Somali and more
This is the new world war
A war not fought with divisions, regiments
This is a war in which the enemy has no shape
A formless enemy is a dangerous one
Principle of Sun Tzu applied to this "war of faith"
There is no honour in this war
The innocents are the victims
The 52 in London, the countless Iraqi's blown apart not by the coalition but by Iraqi suicide bombers
This cannot be a war about true faith on either side
Rather the most twisted intepretations have been used on both sides to achieve the aims of a few
We sit and watch
We wait for the next strike, the next battlefield
I do not understand these suicide bombers
I do not understand the indoctrination that would convince a man to take his life along with unwilling souls
Who would listen to a man telling one to die for the faith while he continues on in life
I am disgusted by the suicide bombers in London
Not for their religion
Not for their mindset as misguided and as wrong as I feel it is
I am disgusted by what I see as their stupidity, taken from their privileged existence and convinced to die for a cause in the false hope that their "martyrdom" would make a difference. That they would further the cause of their religion, their brothers in Iraq by taking lives
The stupidity of this is demonstrated by the death of Iraqi's the next day killed by another suicide bomber. These were not infidels, not western aggressors - innocent civilians, women & children.
Not like the Palestinians killing Israeli's, No they killed fellow Iraqis, fellow Muslims
If suicide ombers die as martyrs, can they all then share the same fate- a place in heaven for killing other Muslims, for killing children?
The war has begun
The battlefields are lit with the flames
Wet with the blood of innocents of all ages, races, creeds
Their deaths will not go unavenged
To the innocents lost on either side