Monday, March 07, 2005

more skyscrapers Posted by Hello

General - 2m Posted by Hello

An officer - 1.8m tall Posted by Hello

Kneeling archer Posted by Hello

more soldiers Posted by Hello

the terracota soldiers @ Xi'an Posted by Hello

Chariot horses ps thats pure gold and silver Posted by Hello

Alvaro and I at the temple Posted by Hello

Entrance to the Temple of Jade Buddha Posted by Hello

Yi Yuen daytime Posted by Hello

Pudong as seen from the Bund Posted by Hello

China team at Yi yuen Posted by Hello

yep Shanghai has a lot of skyscrapers Posted by Hello

Nanjin Lu - Shanghai Ladies this is where credit cards go to die Posted by Hello

Emperors Bronze chariot Xi'an  Posted by Hello

Hot pot in Beijing Posted by Hello

Its a loong wall Posted by Hello

on the cable car @ the great wall Posted by Hello

Big ass Chinese Camel @ The Great Wall Mutianyu  Posted by Hello

Rafa and I at the Temple of the Jade Buddha Posted by Hello

Part of Yi Yuen Posted by Hello