Sunday, January 30, 2005

munich 2005

The guys @Marienplatz Posted by Hello

Being in bavaria you know you have to have a beer Posted by Hello

or 2 Posted by Hello

in the club Posted by Hello

more from the club Posted by Hello

and more.. Posted by Hello

cooold Posted by Hello

snow Posted by Hello

apparently munich=monaco Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Every once in a while I tend to take stock of my life, relationships etc. Its always interesting to note those who have made an impact wonder if there is a trend

First love?:
young and unprepared

unsure or unwilling?

needed a friend

simple and uncomplicated

sad and fragile

were we friends

my first lesson

such sad eyes

repsect her game

such a waste

Shall we dance?

I like this song
So do you
I can tell, you can’t help but sway

I catch your eye
You like me
Its in your eyes, you don’t have to say

You light the room
All else pales
I am drawn in, hopelessly to your way

I stop before you
A whisper away
We don’t have long , another song might play


Talk to me
What is it that is left unsaid?
Why can’t we speak of it?
What are we afraid of?

I sense it
The gulf between us
You are not going to cross
And now I fear I cannot

I held you
Felt your warmth on my skin
Watched you sleep in my arms
Morning comes to soon

I have you
Only for a moment
Life is made of these
How many without you

Time passes
What could have been
Never was
What we were is gone?

Friday, January 14, 2005

here they are Posted by Hello

AAA in need of the AA Posted by Hello
Thank goodness for the boys eh

The latest couple in town!!!

Here they are!!! Posted by Hello